“Ninety” (90) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, the number “90” is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


When “90” is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this number pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

He is 90 years old.

3omrou tes3in sna.

.عمرو تسعين سنة

She is 90 years old.

3morha tes3in sna.

.عمرها و تسعين سنة

My grandfather turns 90 years old tomorrow.

Jady bch ywali 3omrou tes3in sna 8odwa.

.جدي باش يولي عمرو تسعين سنة غدوة

The price is 90 dinars.

Essoum tes3in dinar.

.السوم تسعين دينار

One evening is 90 dinars.

El 3ochwiya b tes3in dinar.

.العشوية بتسعين دينار


Other numbers in Tunisian Arabic

“Ninety-one” (91) in Tunisian Arabic

“Ninety-two” (92) in Tunisian Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Ninety” (90) in Lebanese Arabic

“Ninety” (90) in Turkish

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