“Alarm”, “Alarms” (nouns) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Alarm” & “Alarms” (the nouns, as in the device) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


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Examples in sentences or statements

I’ll set the alarm.

Taw n3amar el alarm.

.تو نعمر الألارم

The building has a security alarm.

El 3imara fiha alarm securité.

.العمارة فيها ألارم سيكريتي

This store sells alarm clocks.

El matjar hetha ybi3 alarmes.

.المتجر هذ ا يبيع ألارم

Does your phone have an alarm app?

Ye5i telifounek fih alarme?

ياخي تليفونك فيه ألارم؟

The alarm is going off.

El alarme nou9zet.

.الألارم نوقزت


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