“Attending” (present) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Attending” (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) (m) 7adher

(I) (f) 7adhra

(You) (m) 7adher

(You) (f) 7adhra

(You, plural) 7adhrin

(He) 7adher

(She) 7adhra

(We) 7adhrin

(They) 7adhrin

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

 حاضر (I) (m)

حاضرة (I) (f)

حاضر (You) (m)

حاضرة (You) (f)

 حاضرين (You, plural)

 حاضر (He)

 حاضرة (She)

 حاضرين (We)

 حاضرين (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I am attending a seminar right now.”

(m) Ena taw 7adher fel ejtime3.

(f) Ena taw 7adhra fel ejtime3.

.انا تو حاضر في الإجتماع (m)

.انا تو حاضرة في الإجتماع (f)

“Are you attending class right now?”

(m) Enti 7adher fel dars taw?

(f) Enti 7adhra fel dars taw?

انتي حاضر في الدرس تو؟ (m)

انتي حاضرة في الدرس تو؟ (f)

“What are you two attending?”

l chnoua bech ta7dhrou?

لشنوّة بش تحضرو؟

“When are you three attending the family event?”

Wa9tech bech tkounou 7adhrin fel lamma mta3 l3ayla?

وقتاش بش تكونو حاضرين في اللّمة متع العايلة؟

“He is attending a meeting right now.”

Houa taw 7adher fi ejtime3.

.هوّ تو حاضر في اجتماع

“She is attending her friend’s graduation ceremony.”

(masculine-based) Hiya 7adhra fi 7aflet etta5arroj mta3 sa7ebha.

(feminine-based) Hiya 7adhra fi 7aflet etta5arroj mta3 sa7bet’ha.

.هي حاضرة في حفلة التخرّج متع صاحبها (masculine-based)

.هي حاضرة في حفلة التخرّج متع صاحبتها (feminine-based)

“The family is attending a relative’s wedding right now.”

L3ayla 7adhra fi  3ers 9ribhom taw.

.العايلة حاضرة في عرس قريبهم تو

“We are attending history class right now.”

A7na taw 7adhrin fi dars etteri5.

.أحنا تو حاضرين في درس التاريخ

“They are attending church right now.”

Houma taw 7adhrin fel knisa.

.هوما تو حاضرين في الكنيسة


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