“Chair”, “Chairs” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, “Chair” (the noun) is written as:


In Turkish, “Chairs” (the noun) is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

Can I have this chair?

Bu sandalyeyi alabilir miyim?

“Yes, you can have the chair.”

Evet, sandalyeyi alabilirsin.

How many chairs do we need?

Kaç tane sandalyeye ihtiyacımız var?

Let’s put out eight chairs.

Sekiz tane koyalım.

Are there anymore chairs?

Daha fazla sandalye var mı?

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Chair”, “Chairs” (nouns) in Egyptian Arabic

“Chair”, “Chairs” (nouns) in Lebanese Arabic

“Chair”, “Chairs” (nouns) in Tunisian Arabic

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