“Charged” (adjective) in Turkish

In Turkish, “Charged” (the adjective) is written as:

Şarjı dolu

(Editor’s note: In Turkish, Şarj means Battery and Dolu means full. So in effect, Şarjı dolu is effectively saying that a battery is full.)

Listen to this term pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“My phone is charged.”

Telefonumun şarjı doldu.

“My phone is almost charged.”

Telefonumun şarjı neredeyse doldu.

“Are the batteries charged?”

Pillerin şarjı dolu mu?

“Okay, the camera batteries are charged. Let’s go!”

Tamam, kamera pillerinin şarjı dolu. Gidelim!

“Is it charged?”

Şarjı dolu mu?

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Charged” (adjective) in Lebanese Arabic

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