“Fifty-three” (53) in Tunisian Arabic

The number “Fifty-three” is written using the Latin script as:

Thletha w 5amsin

When spelled out using the Arabic script, it is written as:

ثلاثة و خمسين

When “53” is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this term pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I am 53 years old.

3omri thletha w 5amsin sna.

.عمري ثلاثة و خمسين سنة

She is 53 years old.

3morha thletha w 5amsin sna.

.عمرها ثلاثة و خمسين سنة

My parents have been married for 53 years.

Ommi w baba 3andhom thletha w 5amsin sna m3arsin.

.أمي و بابا عندهم ثلاثة و خمسين سنة معرسين

My father has worked at this olive orchard for 53 years.

Baba 5dem thletha w 5amsin sna f jnen e zitoun hedha.

.بابا خدم ثلاثة و خمسين سنة في جنان الزيتون هذا

This orange tree is 53 years in age.

Chejret el borgden hedhi 3morha thletha w 5amsin sna.
شجرة البرقدان هاذي عمرها  ثلاثة و خمسين سنة.


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Fifty-three” (53) in Lebanese Arabic

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