“Forty-seven” (47) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, the number “Forty-seven” is written using the Latin script as:

Sab3a warb3in

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

سبعة وأربعين

When “47” is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this number pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I am 47 years old.”

3omry sab3a warb3in sna.

.عمري سبعة وأربعين سنا

“He is 47 years old.”

3omrou sab3a warb3in sna.

.عمرو سبعة وأربعين سنا

“It’s 47 dinar.”

Bsab3a warb3in dinar.

.بسبعة وأربعين دينار

“My husband turns 47 tomorrow.”

Rajli ywalli 3omrou sab3a warb3in ghodwa.

.راجلي يولي عمرو سبعة وأربعين غدوة

“My husband turned 47 yesterday.”

Rajly 9fel el sab3a warb3in emes.

.راجلي قفل السبعة وأربعين غدوة


This number in other Arabic dialects

“Forty-seven” (47) in Lebanese Arabic

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