“Greek”, “Greeks” (nouns) in Turkish

In Turkish, Greek” (the noun, as in a citizen of Greece) is written as:


In Turkish, Greeks” (the noun) is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

Greeks don’t visit this island a lot.

Yunanlılar bu adayı pek ziyaret etmez.

I have never met a Greek.

Hiç Yunanlı tanıdığım yok.

Many Greeks have migrated to European countries.

Birçok Yunanlı Avrupa ülkelerine göç etti.

Are Greeks friendly to the refugees?

Yunanlılar mültecilere karşı iyiler mi?

This restaurant is owned by a Greek.

Bu restoranın sahibi bir Yunanlı.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Greek”, “Greeks” (nouns) in Tunisian Arabic

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