“Miss” (not occurring) (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Miss” (the verb, as in something not occurring, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Nfawet

(You) Tfawet

(You, plural) Tfawtou

(He) Yfawet

(She) Tfawet

(We) Nfawtou

(They) Yfawtou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

نفوّت (I)

تفوّت (You)

تفوّتو (You, plural)

يفوّت (He)

تفوّت (She)

نفوّتو (We)

يفوّتو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I won’t miss the bus.”

Manich bech nfawet el kar.

.منيش باش نفوّت الكار

“I’m going to miss class. I have an appointment.”

Bech nfawet el séance. 3andi rendez-vous.

.باش نفوّت السيونس. عندي رونديفو

“Turn the channel quick or we’ll miss the start of the movie.”

Fisa3 badel el chaine makenech bech nfawtou el bideya mta3 el film.

.فيسع بدّل الشان مكانش باش نفوّتو البداية متاع الفيلم

“Kids, run! Or you’ll miss the bus.”

Ya sghar, ejriw! Makenech bech tfawtou el kar.

.يا صغار، اجريو! مكانش تفوّتو الكار

“He is going to miss the bus.”

Bech yfawet el kar.

.باش يفوّت الكار

“We have time to eat here. We won’t miss the plane.”

3andna el wa9t bech neklou. Manech bech nfawtou el tayara.

.عندنا الوقت باش ناكلو. مناش باش نفوّتو الطيّارة

“If we don’t leave now we will miss the plane.”

Ken manokhrjouch tawa bech nfawtou el tayara.

.كان منخرجوش توّا باش نفوّتو الطيّارة

“If we don’t turn on the TV now we’re going to miss the start of the show.”

Ken man7elouch el talfza tawa bech nfawtou el bideya mta3 el barnemej.

.كان منحلّوش التلفزة توّا باش نفوّتو البداية متاع البرنامج

“They won’t miss the plane.”

Mahomch bech yfawtou el tayara.

.مهمش باش يفوّتو الطيّارة


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Misses” (not occurring) (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

“Missing” (not occurring) (present) in Tunisian Arabic

“Missed” (not occurring) (past) in Tunisian Arabic

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