“Ninety-two” (92) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, “Ninety-two” is written using the Latin script as:

2tnen w tes3en

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

اتنين و تسعين

When “92” is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this number pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“We’ll be there in 92 minutes.”

E7na hankon henak fi 92 de2e2ah.

.احنا هنكون هناك في ٩٢ دقيقه

“The meeting took 92 minutes in total.”

Al mo2abla kolha a5det 92 d2e2ah.

.المقابله كلها اخدت ٩٢ دقيقه

“My mother is 92.”

Omy 3andha 92 sana.

.امي عندها ٩٢ سنه

“He will be 92 years old in a year.”

B3d sana hayb2a 3ando 92 sana.

. بعد سنة هيبقي عنده ٩٢ سنة

“50 plus 42 is 92.”

50 za2ed 42 yasawy 92.

.٥٠ زائد ٤٢ يساوي ٩٢


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Ninety-two” (92) in Lebanese Arabic

“Ninety-two” (92) in Tunisian Arabic

“Ninety-two” (92) in Turkish

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