“Paying” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Paying” (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) (m) 9e3ed nkhallas

(I) (f) 9e3da nkhallas

(You) (m) 9e3ed tkhallas

(You) (f) 9e3da tkhallas

(You, plural) 9e3din tkhallsou

(He) 9e3ed ykhallas

(She) 9e3da tkhallas

(We) 9e3din nkhallsou

(They) 9e3din ykhallsou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

قاعد نخلّص (m) (I)

قاعدة نخلّص (f) (I)

قاعد تخلّص (m) (You)

قاعدة تخلّص (f) (You)

قاعدين تخلّصو (You, plural)

قاعد يخلّص (He)

قاعدة تخلّص (She)

قاعدين نخلّصو (We)

قاعدين يخلّصو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I’m paying the bill right now.”

(m) 9e3ed nkhallas fel fetoura taw.

(f) 9e3da nkhallas fel fetoura taw.

.قاعد نخلّص في الفاتورة تو (m)

.قاعدة نخلّص في الفاتورة تو (f)

“I’m paying for the order online right now.”

(m) 9e3ed nkhallas fel commande taw.

(f) 9e3da nkhallas fel commande  taw.

.قاعد نخلّص في الكوموند تو (m)

.قاعدة نخلّص في الكوموند تو (f)

“I’m not paying for the renovation project until after its complete.”

Manich bech nkhallas machrou3 etajdid lin youfa.

.مانيش بش نخلّص مشروع التجديد لين يوفى

“When are you paying for it?”

Wa9tech bech tkhallas?

وقتاش بش تخلّص؟

“When are you two paying for the order?”

Wa9tech bech tkhallsou el commande entom ezzouz?

وقتاش بش تخلّصو الكوموند انتم الزّوز؟

“He’s at the front paying.”

Awka l9odem 9e3ed ykhallas.

.أوكا القدام قاعد يخلّص

“She’s paying right now.”

9e3da tkhallas taw.

.قاعدة تخلّص تو

“We’re at the cash register paying for the groceries right now.”

A7na taw fel caissa 9e3din nkhallsou fel 9adhya.

.أحنا تو في الكاسة قاعدين نخلّصو في القضية

“They are paying with a credit card.”

9e3din ykhallsou bel carte.

.قاعدين يخلّصو بالكارت


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Pay” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Pays” (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

“Paid” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Paying” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

“Paying” (present) in Turkish

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