“Returned” (living being) (past) (verb) in Turkish

In Turkish, “Returned” (the verb, in the context of a living being or beings, in the past tense) is written as:

(I) Geri döndüm

(You) Geri döndün

(You, formal) Geri döndünüz

(You, plural) Geri döndünüz

(He, She, It) Geri döndü

(We) Geri döndük

(They) Geri döndüler

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Examples in sentences or statements

(Editor’s note: In one or more of the following statements, the word “Returned” is replaced with an applicable word or words to keep the statement colloquial but to maintain the meaning of Returned (“Return” in the past participle).)
“I returned yesterday from camping.”

Dün kamptan döndüm.

“I haven’t returned home yet. I’m still outside.”

Henüz eve geri dönmedim. Hala dışarıdayım.

“When did you return home from university?”

Üniversiteden eve ne zaman döndün?

“Kids, when did you return home from school?”

Çocuklar, okuldan eve ne zaman döndünüz?

“Did you two return home late yesterday from the movie theatre?”

Siz ikiniz dün sinemadan eve geç mi döndünüz?

“He returned early from work.”

İşten erken döndü.

“She returned with two grocery bags from the store.”

Mağazadan iki poşetle geri döndü.

“We returned from Izmir two days ago.”

İki gün önce İzmir’den geri döndük.

“The kids returned home from school 30 minutes ago.”

Çocuklar yarım saat önce okuldan eve geri döndüler.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Returned” (past) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

“Returned” (living being) (past) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

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