“Scratches” (sating an itch) (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Scratches” (the verb, as in sating an itch, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) Y7ok

(f) T7ok

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

يحك (m)

تحك (f)

Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“My dog scratches himself a lot.”

(m) Kalbi y7ok rou7ou barcha.

(f) Kalbti t7ok rou7a barcha.

.كلبي يحك روحو برشا (m)

 .كلبتي تحك روحا برشا (f)

“He often scratches his head when he is thinking.”

Howa dima y7ok rasou wa9tli yabda y5amem.

.هو ديما يحك راسو وقتلي يبدا يخمم

“She always scratches the mosquito bites.”

Heya dima t7ok 9arsat el namous.

.هي ديما تحك قرصات النموس

“He scratches his arms a lot.”

Howa y7ok yedou barcha.

.هو يحك يدَو برشا

“My cat scratches me sometimes when I try to pet her.”

9atousti t5abechni sa3at ki nabda n7eb nda7nes 3leha.

.قطوستي تخبشني ساعات كي نبدا نحب ندحنس علاها


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