“Seventy-nine” (79) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, “Seventy-nine” is written using the Latin script as:

Tes3ah w sab3en

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

تسعة و سبعين

When “79” is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this number pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“My grandma turns 79 tomorrow.”

Gadaty hatkaml 79 sana bokra.

.جدتى هتكمل ٧٩ سنة بكرة

“My grandpa is 81 and my grandma is 79.”

Gady 3andoh 81 sana wa gadaty 3andaha 79 sana.

.جدى عنده ٨١ سنة وجدتى عندها ٧٩ سنه

“The price is $79.”

Als3r 79 dolar.

.السعر ٧٩ دولار

“100 subtract 21 is 79.”

100 naqs 21 yesawy 79.

.١٠٠ ناقص ٢١ يساوي ٧٩

“50 plus 29 is 79.”

50 zaad 29 yesawy 79.

.٥٠ زائد ٢٩ يساوي ٧٩


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Seventy-nine” (79) in Lebanese Arabic

“Seventy-nine” (79) in Tunisian Arabic

“Seventy-nine” (79) in Turkish

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