“Sixty-six” (66) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, “Sixty-six” is written using the Latin script as:

Setah w sten

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

ستة و ستين

When “66” is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this number pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“Let’s take Highway 66.”

Hana5ud altariq alsari3 66.

.هناخد الطريق السريع ٦٦

“My father is 66.”

Aboya 3andoh 66 sana.

.ابويا عنده ٦٦ سنه

“Here is $66 USD.”

Huna 66 dollar amryky.

.هنا ٦٦ دولارا امريكي

“The price is $66.”

Als3r 66 dollar.

.السعر ٦٦ دولار

“I counted 66.”

Ana 3adeit 66.

.انا عديت ٦٦


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Sixty-six” (66) in Lebanese Arabic

“Sixty-six” (66) in Tunisian Arabic

“Sixty-six” (66) in Turkish

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