"Sprinkled" (past) in Tunisian Arabic
In Tunisian Arabic, "Sprinkled " (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:
(I) Rachit
(You) Rachit
(You, plural) Rachitou
(He) Rach
(She) Rachet
(We) Rachina
(They) Rachou
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
رشّيت (I)
رشّيت (You)
رشّيتو (You, plural)
رشّ (He)
رشّت (She)
رشّينا (We)
رشّو (They)
Listen to these words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"I sprinkled too much salt on my soup."
Rachit barcha mel7 fel chorba mte3i.
.رشّيت برشا ملح في الشربة متاعي
"I didn’t sprinkle cinnamon on my hot chocolate."
Marachitech 9erfa fel chocolat chaud mte3i.
.مرشّيتش قرفة في الشوكولا شو متاعي
"What did you sprinkle on your ice cream?"
Chnowa rachit 3la el glace mte3ek?
شنوّا رشّيت على الڨلاس متاعك؟
"Did you two sprinkle chocolate drops?"
Rachitou ka3bet choklata?
رشّيتو كعبات شكلاطة؟
"She sprinkled sugar on the cookies."
Rachet soker 3la el bachkoutou.
.رشّت سكر على البشكوتو
"The cook sprinkled herbs on the pizza."
(m) Etabekh rach 7cheyech 3la el pizza.
(f) Etabekha rachet 7cheyech 3la el pizza.
.الطبّاخ رشّ حشايش على البيتزا (m)
.الطبّاخة رشّت حشايش على البيتزا (f)
"He sprinkled salt on the fries."
Rach mel7 3la el frites.
.رشّ ملح على الفريت
"He didn’t sprinkle a lot."
Marachech barcha.
.مرشّش برشا
"We sprinkled spices on the food."
Rachina effe7at 3la el mekla.
.رشّينا افّاحات على الماكلة
"They sprinkled a lot of spices."
Rachou barcha effe7at.
.رشّو برشا افّاحات
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