“Thirty-nine” (39) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, “Thirty-nine” is written using the Latin script as:

Tes3ah w talaten

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

تسعة و تلاتين

When “39” is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this number pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I counted 39.

Ana 3adet 39.

.انا عديت ٣٩

Did you count 39 or 40?

Enta 3adet 39 wla 40?

انت عديت ٣٩ ولا ٤٠؟

20 plus 19 equals 39.

20 za2d 19 ysawy 39.

.٢٠ زائد ١٩ يساوي ٣٩

42 subtract 3 equals 39.

42 na2es 3 yesawy 39.

.٤٢ ناقص ٣ يساوي ٣٩

It’s supposed to be 39 degrees this afternoon!

El mafrod daraget el 7arara tb2a 39 2nhrda b3d el dohr!

!المفروض درجة الحرارة تبقي ٣٩ انهردة بعد الظهر


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Thirty-nine” (39) in Lebanese Arabic

“Thirty-nine” (39) in Tunisian Arabic

“Thirty-nine” (39) in Turkish

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