"Toothbrush", "Toothbrushes" in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, "Toothbrush" is written using the Latin script as:

For4et 2snan

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

فرشة اسنان

In Egyptian Arabic, "Toothbrushes" is written using the Latin script as:

For4 2snan

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

فرش اسنان

Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"I packed our toothbrushes."

Gama3t forash 2snanna.

.جمعت فرش اسناننا

"This is a new toothbrush."

De for4et 2snan gadida.

.فرشة اسنان جديده

"Kids, where did you put your toothbrushes?"

Ya awlad 7atito fin for4 2snankom?

يا اولاد حطيتوا فين فرش اسنانكم؟

"I found the toothbrushes but I can't find the toothpaste."

Ana la2et for4 el2snan lakn m4 la2y ma3gon el 2snan.

.انا لقيت فرش الاسنان ولكن مش لاقي معجون الاسنان

"I like this toothbrush!"

Ana b7b for4et el 2snan dy!

!انا بحب فرشة الاسنان دي


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Toothbrush”, “Toothbrushes” in Lebanese Arabic

“Toothbrush”, “Toothbrushes” in Tunisian Arabic

“Toothbrush”, “Toothbrushes” in Turkish

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