“Twenty-eight” (28) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, Twenty-eight is written using the Latin script as:

Tamanyah w 34ren

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

تمانية و عشرين

When “28” is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this number pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I’m 28 years old.

Ana 28 sanah.

.انا ٢٨ سنة

We’re in Suite 28.

E7na fe el gena7 28.

.احنا في الجناح ٢٨

We’re in Row 28.

E7na fe el saf 28.

.احنا في الصف ٢٨

June 28.

28 yonyo.

.٢٨ يونيو

I turn 28 tomorrow.

Ana hab2a 28 sanah boukra.

.انا هبقي ٢٨ سنة بكرة


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Twenty-eight” (28) in Lebanese Arabic

“Twenty-eight” (28) in Tunisian Arabic

“Twenty-eight” (28) in Turkish

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