“Twenty-two” (22) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, the number “Twenty-two” is written using the Latin script as:

Thnin w3echrin

When spelled using the Arabic script, it is written as:

ثنين وعشرين

When “22” is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this number pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“Here is 22 dinars.”

Hay thnin w3echrin dinar.

.هاي ثنين وعشرين دينار

“The price is 22 dinars.”

El soum thnin w3echrin dinar.

.السوم ثنين وعشرين دينار

“The price of a large pizza is 22 dinars.”

El soum mta3 el pizza el kbira 22 dinar.

.السوم متع البيتزا لكبيرة ثنين وعشرين دينار

“My birthday is on April 22.”

3id miledi yji thin w3echrin avril.

.عيد ميلادي يجي ثنين وعشرين آفريل

It’s 22:00 right now.

Tawa 3achra mta3 el lil.

.توا العشرة متع الليل


This number in other Arabic dialects

“Twenty-two” (22) in Lebanese Arabic

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