"Was" in Turkish
In Turkish, "Was" is written as:
(when the last vowel of the operative word is a bold vowel) "-dı"
(when the last vowel of the operative word is a thin vowel) "-di"
(Editor’s note: In Turkish, bold vowel are a, ı, u, o and thin vowels are e, i, ü, ö.)
Listen to these two suffixes pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"That was fun!"
O eğlenceliydi!
"How much was the meal?"
Yemek ne kadardı?
"The meal last night was delicious."
Dün geceki yemek lezzetliydi.
"It was hot earlier!"
Daha önce sıcaktı!
"There once was a parking lot here."
Bir zamanlar burada bir park yeri vardı.
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