“I like” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “I like” (the statement, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as:

(masculine-based noun) Ye3jebni

(feminine-based noun) Te3jebni

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

  يعجبني (masculine-based noun)

تعجبني (feminine-based noun)

In Tunisian Arabic, “I like” (the statement, in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


(Editor’s note: The exception to the above is in the You form and You plural forms (regardless of gender): In the You form it’s always Te3jebni / تعجبني and in the You plural form it’s always Te3jbouni / يعجبوني.)

Listen to these three words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I like this meal.

Te3jebni el mekla hedhy.

.تعجبني الماكلة هذي

Yes, I like it.

Ayh, te3jebni.

.ايه، تعجيني

I like what you’re wearing.

Te3jebni lebstek.

.تعجبني لبستك

I like dogs.

Ye3jbouni lekleb.

.يعجبوني الكلاب

I like it here.

Te3jebni leblasa hedhi.

.تعجبني البلاصة هذي

(romantic context) “I like you.”

Enti te3jebni.

.انتي تعجبني

“I like the weather today.”

3jebni eta9s elyoum.

.عجبني الطقس اليوم


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“I like” in Lebanese Arabic

“I like” in Tunisian Arabic

“I like” in Turkish

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