“Web browser”,”Web browsers” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Web browser” is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


In Tunisian Arabic, “Web browsers” is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


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Examples in sentences or statements

Try to enter the website from a different web browser.”

Jarreb odkhel le site b navigateur ekher.

 .جرب ادخل للسيت بنافيقاتور اخر

This web browser is not very safe.”

Navigateur hedha securisé barcha.

.النافيقاتور هذا سيكوريزي برشا

All web browsers are down.”

Navigateuret lkol mayekhdmouch.

.النافيقاتورات الكل مايخدموش

Open a new tab in the web browser.”

7al fenêtre okhra 3a navigateur.

.حل فوناتر أخرى عالنافيقاتور

That web browser offers a variety of settings.”

Navigateur hedheka ywaffer barcha paramètres mokhtalfin.

.النافيقاتور هاذاكا يوفر برشا باراماتر مختلفين


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