Words, Terms & Phrases

Step 1: Choose a language/dialect:
Step 2: Select a list:

"Cold" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Cold" (the adjective, in the singular form) is written as: (m) Frío (f) Fría In Spanish, "Cold" (the adjective, in the plural) is written as: (m) Fríos (f) Frías Listen to these four words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have a cold water bottle please?" ¿Me puede dar...

"No bag" in Spanish

In Spanish, "No bag" (as in the statement) is written as: Sin bolsa Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “No bag” in Egyptian Arabic “No bag” in Lebanese Arabic “No bag” in Turkish  

"Sixteen" (16) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Sixteen" (16) (the number) is written as: Dieciséis Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It’s €16." Son dieciséis euros.   "We’ve been best friends for 16 years now." Hemos sido mejores amigos desde hace dieciséis años.   "He is turning 16 next month." Va a cumplir dieciséis...

"Bag", "Bags" (nouns) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Bag" (the noun) is written as: Bolsa In Spanish, "Bags" (the noun) is written as: Bolsas Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have a bag please?" ¿Puede darme una bolsa por favor?   "Here is a bag." Aquí hay una bolsa.   "No bag."...

"Seventeen" (17) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Seventeen" (17) (the number) is written as: Diecisiete Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My birthday is on July 17." Mi cumpleaños es del diecisiete de julio.   "I’ve been a teacher for 17 years." He sido profesor durante 17 años.   "Our apartment number is 17."...

"Fourteen" (14) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Fourteen" (14) is written as: Catorce Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My son is 14 years old." Mi hijo tiene catorce años.   "Look at page 14." Mira en la página catorce.   "The room number is 14." El número de habitación es catorce.   "She’s been...

"Fifteen" (15) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Fifteen" (15) is written as: Quince Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I can count to 15 in Spanish!" Puedo contar hasta quince en español!   "My cousin’s wedding is on July 15." La boda de mi primo es el quince de julio.   "I am going to...

"Thirteen" (13) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Thirteen" (13)  is written as: Trece Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It’s Suite Number 13." Es la suite número trece.   "I’ve lived in this neighbourhood for 13 years." He vivido en este vecindario trece años.   "My children are 15 and 13 years old." Mis...

"Just looking" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Just looking" (the common phrase spoken to a store clerk indicating that the speaker is just casually looking at products in the store) is written as: Solo estoy mirando Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Just looking” in Egyptian Arabic “Just looking” in Tunisian Arabic “Just looking”...

"My" in Spanish

In Spanish, "My" (the noun) is written as: Mi Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That is my cat." Este es mi gato.   "Those are my kids." Estos son mis hijos.   "That is my purse." Esta es mi cartera.   "That is my car." Este es mi...

"Twelve" (12) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Twelve" (12) (the number) is written as: Doce Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "My children are 12 and 11." Mis hijos tienen doce y once años.   "I've been married for 12 years." He estado casado doce años.   "I'm on Page 12 of this new...

"Eleven" (11) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Eleven" (11) (the number) is written as: Once Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is €11." El precio es once euros.   "Do you want to meet at 11am?" ¿Quieres que quedemos a las once de la mañana?   "My birthday is on July 11th."...

"I'm good" in Spanish

In Spanish, "I'm good" (the phrase) is written as: Estoy bien Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm good, thanks." Estoy bien, gracias.   "I'm good. And how are you?" Estoy bien. ¿Cómo estás tú?   "I'm good. Thanks for asking." Estoy bien. Gracias por preguntar.   "I'm good,...

"Hot" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Hot" (the adjective, when describing an object or person) is written as: (singular) Caliente (plural) Calientes In Spanish, "Hot" (the adjective, when describing the weather) is written as: (singular) Caluroso (plural) Calurosos Listen to these four words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   (in the context of an object) "Is it hot?" ¿Está...

"Have a good day!" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Have a good day!" is written as: ¡Que tengas un buen día! Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Related greetings & farewells in Spanish “Good morning” in Spanish “Good night” in Spanish In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Have a good day!” in Egyptian Arabic “Have a good day!” in Tunisian Arabic “Have a...

"Every day" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Every day" (the adverb) is written as: Cada día Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I bike every day." Monto en bici cada día.   "We go to this cafe every day while in the city." Vamos a este café cada día cuando estamos en la ciudad....

"Tonight" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Tonight" (the noun) is written as: Esta noche Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "See you tonight!" ¡Nos vemos esta noche!   "Do you want to get a beer after work tonight?" ¿Quieres tomar una cerveza después de trabajar esta noche?   "What do you want to...

"Receipt", "Receipts" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Receipt" is written as: Recibo In Spanish, "Receipts" is written as: Recibos Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have the receipt?" ¿Me puede dar el recibo?   "Can I have a receipt?" ¿Me puede dar un recibo?   "I'll file the receipts." Voy a...

"Blue" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Blue" (the colour, in the singular form) is written as: Azul In Spanish, "Blue" (the colour, in the plural form) is written as: Azules Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The sky is blue." El cielo es azul.   "The water is blue." El agua es...

"Hour", "Hours" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Hour" is written as: Hora In Spanish, "Hours" is written as: Horas Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We arrive in one hour." Llegamos en una hora.   "We arrived one hour ago." Llegamos hace una hora.   "The flight leaves in one hour." El vuelo...

"Can you...?" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Can you...?" is written as: ¿Puedes...? Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you hold my purse for a moment?" ¿Puedes sostenerme el bolso un momento?   "Can you hold my wallet and phone?" ¿Puedes aguantarme mi cartera y mi teléfono?   "Can you call your parents...

"Larger", "Largest" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Larger" is written as: Más grande In Spanish, "Largest" is written as: (m) El más grande (f) La más grande Listen to these terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This plane is larger than the last one." Este avión es más grande que el último.   "This is the largest...

"Water" (noun) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Water" (the noun) is written as: Agua Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have a bottle of water?" ¿Me puede dar una botella de agua?   "Do you want water?" ¿Quieres agua?   "A water, no ice, with lemon, please." Un agua sin hielo con...

"Eight" (8) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Eight" (8) is written as: Ocho Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll buy eight onions." Compraré ocho cebollas.   "The spices are in Aisle 8." Las especias están en el octavo pasillo.   "We're in Row 8 on the flight." Estamos en la octava fila en...

"Do you have...?" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Do you have...?" is written as: ¿Tienes...? Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you have the time?" ¿Tienes tiempo?   "Do you have your wallet?" ¿Tienes tu cartera?   "Do you have your keys?" ¿Tienes tus llaves?   "Do you have time to talk now?" ¿Tienes...

"Cold water" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Cold water" is written as: Agua fría Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want some cold water?" ¿Quieres un poco de agua fría?   "This tap turns on the cold water." Este grifo abre el agua fría.   "Turn the tap to the right to...

"Where are you from?" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Where are you from?" is written as: ¿De dónde eres? Listen to this question pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Where are you from?” in Lebanese Arabic “Where are you from?” in Tunisian Arabic “Where are you from?” in Turkish  

"Large" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Large" is written as: Grande Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want a large or medium pizza?" ¿Quieres una pizza mediana o grande?   "A large margherita pizza, please." Una margarita grande, por favor.   "That's a large plane!" ¡Es un avión grande!   "A...

"A little" in Spanish

In Spanish, "A little" is written as: Un poco Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A little bit more, please." Un poco más, por favor.   "A little more cheese, please." Un poco más de queso, por favor.   "Only a little sauce, please." Solo un poco de salsa,...

"Beautiful" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Beautiful" is written as: (m) Bonito (f) Bonita Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This is a beautiful city." Esta es una ciudad bonita.   "Your country is so beautiful." Tu país es muy bonito.   "You look beautiful tonight." (m) ¡Qué guapo estás esta noche!...

"Hot water" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Hot water" is written as: Agua caliente Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Are you getting hot water in the shower?" ¿Sale agua caliente en la ducha?   "This tap turns on the hot water." Este grifo abre el agua caliente.   "Turn the tap this way...

"Small" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Small" (the adjective) is written as: (m) Pequeño (f) Pequeña Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "This is a small village." Este es un pequeño pueblo.   "This is a small city." Esta es una pequeña ciudad.   "Small, medium, or large?" (m) ¿Pequeño, mediano o...

"Smaller", "Smallest" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Smaller" (the adjective) is written as: (m) Más pequeño (f) Más pequeña In Spanish, "Smallest" (the adjective) is written as: (m) El más pequeño (f) La más pequeña Listen to these four terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What's the smallest car you have available?" ¿Cuál es el coche más...

"I am from..." in Spanish

In Spanish, "I am from..." is written as: Soy de... Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am from Munich." Soy de Munich.   "I am from the United States." Soy de los Estados Unidos.   "I am from Seville." Soy de Sevilla.   "I am from Australia." Soy...

"Beach", "Beaches" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Beach" is written as: Playa In Spanish, "Beaches" is written as: Playas Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I like the beach in this city." Me gusta la playa de esta ciudad.   "​This area has a lot of nice beaches." Esta zona tiene muchas buenas...

"Sunny" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Sunny" (the adjective) is written as: (m) Soleado (f) Soleada Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's sunny out." Fuera hace sol.   "This afternoon is supposed to be sunny." Se supone que está tarde estará soleado.   "Yesterday was really sunny." Ayer estaba muy soleado.  ...

"Six" (6) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Six" (6) is written as: Seis Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The recipe is calling for six tomatoes." Se necesitan seis tomates para la receta.   "Can you pick up six tomatoes from the store?" ¿Puedes recoger seis tomates de la tienda?   "I'm here for...

"Open", "Opens", "Opening", "Opened" (verbs) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Open" (the verb) is written as: Abrir In Spanish, "Opens" (the verb) is written as: Abre In Spanish, "Opening" (the verb) is written as: Abriendo In Turkish, "Opened" (the verb) is written as: Abierto Listen to these words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you please open this?" ¿Puedes abrir...

"A lot" in Spanish

In Spanish, "A lot" in the singular form is written as: (m) Mucho (f) Mucha In Spanish, "A lot" in the plural form is written as: (m) Muchos (f) Muchas Listen to these four words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Thanks a lot!" ¡Muchas gracias!   "There are a lot of ingredients to choose...

"Nine" (9) in Spanish

In Spanish, the number "Nine" (9) is written as: Nueve Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The price is nine euros." El precio es nueve euros.   "Here is nine euros." Aquí hay nueve euros.   "My children are 11 and 9 years old." Mis hijos tienen once y...

"Seven" (7) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Seven" (7) is written as: Siete Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Do you want to get dinner at 7pm?" ¿Quieres cenar a las siete?   "Yes, let's meet at 7pm." Sí, nos vemos a las siete.   "My dog is seven years old." Mi perro tiene...

"Ten" (10) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Ten" (10) is written as: Diez Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is ten euros." Aquí hay diez euros.   "Meet tonight at 10pm?" ¿Nos vemos esta noche a las diez?   "Let's go out at 10pm." Salgamos a las diez de la noche.   "Meet...

"Month", "Months" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Month" is written as: Mes In Spanish, "Months" is written as: Meses Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We go to Spain next month!" ¡Vamos a España el próximo mes!   "I started working here last month." Empecé a trabajar aquí el mes pasado.   "My...

"One more" in Spanish

In Spanish, "One more" is written as: (m) Uno más (f) Una más Listen to these two phrases pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "One more coffee, please." Un café más, por favor.   "Can I have one more coffee?" ¿Me pone un café más?   "Can I have one more?" (m) ¿Me...

"Welcome" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Welcome" is written as: (m) Bienvenido (f) Bienvenida Listen to these two greetings pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "You're welcome here anytime." (m) Eres bienvendio aquí cuando quieras. (f) Eres bienvenida aquí cuando quieras.   "You're welcome at our home anytime." (m) Eres bienvenido en nuestra casa cuando quieras. (f)...

"White" in Spanish

In Spanish, "White" (the colour, in the singular form) is written as: (m) Blanco (f) Blanca In Spanish, "White" (the colour, in the plural form) is written as: (m) Blancos (f) Blancas Listen to these four words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The tablecloth is white." El mantel es blanco.   "The...

"Minute", "Minutes" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Minute" is written as: Minuto In Spanish, "Minutes" is written as: Minutos Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "One minute." Un minuto.   "The meal will be ready in 10 minutes." La comida estará lista en diez minutos.   "I'll be back in 10 minutes." Vuelvo...

"Year", "Years" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Year" is written as: Año In Spanish, "Years" is written as: Años Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm 47 years old." Tengo cuarenta y siete años.   "My husband is 47 years old." Mi marido tiene cuarenta y siete años.   "Tomorrow is a new...

"I'll be back" in Spanish

In Spanish, "I'll be back" is written as: Vuelvo Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'll be back in a moment." Vuelvo en un momento.   "I'll be back soon." Vuelvo pronto.   "I'll be back in 5 minutes." Vuelvo en cinco minutos.   "I'll be back in one...

"Sugar" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Sugar" is written as: Azúcar Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can you pass me the sugar?" ¿Me puedes pasar el azúcar?   "We are out of sugar?" Nos hemos quedado sin azúcar.   "Where is the sugar?" ¿Dónde está el azúcar?   "Can I have a...

"Tea", "Teas" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Tea" is written as: Té In Spanish, "Teas" is written as: Tés Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How much for the tea?" ¿Cuánto cuesta el té?   "What kinds of teas do you have?" ¿Cuántos tipos de tés tenéis?   "A black tea, please." Un...

"Paper cup", "Paper cups" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Paper cup" is written as: Vaso de cartón In Spanish, "Paper cups" is written as: Vasos de cartón Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A paper cup is okay." Un vaso de cartón está bien.   "Can I have a coffee in a paper cup?" ¿Me...

"Another one" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Another one" is written as: (m) Otro más (f) Otra más Listen to these two phrases pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Another one, please." (m) Otro más, por favor. (f) Otra más, por favor.   "Can I have another one?" (m) ¿Me puede poner otro más? (f) ¿Me puede poner...

"Glass cup", "Glass cups" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Glass cup" is written as: Vaso de cristal In Spanish, "Glass cups" is written as: Vasos de cristal Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Paper or glass cup?" ¿En vaso de cartón o en vaso de cristal?   "Have you seen the glass cups?" ¿Has visto...

"Take away" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Take away" (in the context of ordering food) is written as: Para llevar Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Take away would be great." Para llevar estaría genial.   "Take away, please." Para llevar, por favor.   "Do you want it for here or take away?" ¿Lo...

"Sun" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Sun" (the noun) is written as: Sol Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The sun is out." Ha salido el sol.   "The sun is rising." Está saliendo el sol.   "The sun is setting." Se está poniendo el sol.   "I like the sun sea and...

"For here" in Spanish

In Spanish, "For here" (in the context of ordering food) is written as: Para tomar aquí Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "For here, please." Para tomar aquí, por favor.   "Can I have the meal for here?" ¿Puedo pedir la comida para tomar aquí?   "For here would...

"Brown" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Brown" (singular form) is written as: Marrón In Spanish, "Brown"  (plural form) is written as: Marrones Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I wear a lot of brown and green this time of year." Me pongo mucho marrón y negro en esta época del año.  ...

"Do you understand?" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Do you understand?" is written as: ¿Entiendes? Listen to this question pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Do you understand?” in Lebanese Arabic “Do you understand?” in Tunisian Arabic “Do you understand?” in Turkish  

"Black" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Black" (the colour, in the singular form) is written as: (m) Negro (f) Negra In Spanish, "Black" (the colour, in the plural form) is written as: (m) Negros (f) Negras Listen to these four words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "That's a black car." Esto es un coche negro.  ...

"Red" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Red" (the colour, in the singular form) is written as: (m) Rojo (f) Roja In Spanish, "Red" (the colour, in the plural form) is written as: (m) Rojos (f) Rojas Listen to these four words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The door is painted red." La puerta está pintada de rojo....

"Day", "Daytime", "Days" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Day" is written as: Día In Spanish, "Daytime" is written as: Durante el día In Spanish, "Days" is written as: Días Listen to these three terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What day do you want to meet?" ¿Qué día quieres quedar?   "I'm more available in the daytime." Estoy...

"How much?" in Spanish

In Spanish, "How much?" is written as: ¿Cuánto cuesta? Listen to this question pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "How much for the coffee?" ¿Cuánto cuesta el café?   "How much for the coffees?" ¿Cuánto cuestan los cafés?   "How much for these three shirts?" ¿Cuánto cuestan estas tres camisetas?   "How much...

"I don't understand" in Spanish

In Spanish, "I don't understand" is written as: No entiendo Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I don't understand. Can you please repeat what you said?" No he entendido. ¿Puedes repetir lo que has dicho?   "I don't understand the directions." No entiendo las direcciones.   "I don't understand....

"Two" (2) in Spanish

In Spanish, the number "Two" (2) is written as: Dos Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Two coffees, please." Dos cafés, por favor.   "Vacation starts in two days!" ¡Las vacaciones empiezan en dos días!   "Christmas is in two days!" ¡En dos días es Navidad!   "Two euros."...

"Night", "Nighttime", "Nights" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Night" is written as: Noche In Spanish, "Nighttime" is written as: Por la noche In Spanish, "Nights" is written as: Noches Listen to these three terms pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What a good night!" ¡Qué buena noche!   "Have a good night." Que pases una buena noche.   "I...

"Three" (3) in Spanish

In Spanish, the number "Three" (3) is written as: Tres Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Three dinars for the coffees." Tres dinares por los cafés.   "Can we have three Americanos, please?" ¿Nos puede poner tres cafés americanos, por favor?   "Want to meet at 3pm?" ¿Quieres quedar...

"Soon" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Soon" is written as: Pronto Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I arrive soon!" ¡Llegaré pronto!   "We arrive soon!" ¡Llegaremos pronto!   "Your food will be ready soon." Tu comida estará lista pronto.   "I'll be over soon." Terminaré pronto.   "Are you ready soon?" (m)...

"Four" (4) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Four" (4) is written as: Cuatro Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "A table for four, please." Una mesa para cuatro, por favor.   "Do you want to meet at 4pm?" ¿Quieres que quedemos a las cuatro?   "I arrive in four days!" ¡Llego en cuatro días!...

"Grey" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Grey" (singular form) is written as: Gris In Spanish, "Grey" (plural form) is written as: Grises Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "The sky is grey." El cielo está gris.   "The clouds are grey." Las nubes son grises.   "The cement is grey." El cemento es...

"Green" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Green" (the colour, in singular form) is written as: Verde In Spanish, "Green" (the colour, in plural form) is written as: Verdes Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Those are beautiful green olives." Esas son olivas verdes preciosas.   "The bananas are green." Las bananas son...

"Bill", "Bills" (nouns) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Bill" (the noun, as in a notice to pay) is written as: Cuenta In Spanish, "Bills" (the noun) is written as: Cuentas Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I get the bill?" ¿Me trae la cuenta?   "Can we get the bill?" ¿Nos trae la...

"Five" (5) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Five" (5) is written as: Cinco Listen to this number pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Here is five euros." Aquí tienes cinco euros.   "The price is five euros." El precio es cinco euros.   "How much to rent a car for five days?" ¿Cuánto cuesta alquilar un coche para...

"I'm back" in Spanish

In Spanish, "I'm back" is written as: Ya he vuelto Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm back now." Ya he vuelto.   "I'm back. Thanks for waiting." Ya he vuelto. Gracias por esperar.   "I'm back. Is the order ready?" Ya he vuelto. ¿Está listo el pedido?  ...

"Dog", "Dogs" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Dog" (the noun) is written as: Perro In Spanish, "Dogs" (the noun) is written as: Perros Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Nice dog." Buen perro.   "What kind of dog is it?" ¿Qué tipo de perro es?   "I have two dogs." Tengo dos perros....

"Evening", "Evenings" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Evening" is written as: Tarde In Spanish, "Evenings" is written as: Tardes Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Good evening." Buenas tardes.   "Evenings are better for me to meet." Me viene mejor quedar por las tardes.   "How is your evening going?" ¿Cómo te está...

"I understand" in Spanish

In Spanish, "I understand" is written as: Entiendo Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I understand. Thanks." Lo entiendo. Gracias.   "I understand you." Te entiendo.   "I understand. Thanks for explaining." Lo he entendido. Gracias por la explicación.   "I understand what it says." Entiendo lo que dice....

"Cat", "Cats" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Cat" (the noun, as in the animal) is written as: Gato In Spanish, "Cats" (the noun) is written as: Gatos Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What kind of cat is it?" ¿Qué tipo de gato es?   "I'll feed the cat." Voy a darle de...

"Stop here" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Stop here" is written as: Para aquí Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Stop here, please." Para aquí, por favor.   "You can stop here." Puedes parar aquí.   "Can you stop here?" ¿Puedes parar aquí?   "Can you stop here? I'll be right back." ¿Puedes parar...

"Thank you" (Thanks) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Thank you" (Thanks) is written as: Gracias Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Thank you for the suggestion." Gracias por la sugerencia.   "I'm good, thank you. And how are you?" Estoy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?   "Thank you for the ride." Gracias por traerme.   "Thank...

"Please" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Please" is written as: Por favor Listen to this term pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have two Americanos, please?" ¿Me puede poner dos americanos, por favor?   "A bag, please." Una bolsa, por favor.   "Yes, please." Sí, por favor.   "No sugar, please." Sin azúcar, por favor....

"Turn right" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Turn right" is written as: Gira a la derecha Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Should I turn right?" ¿Debería girar a la derecha?   "It's best to turn right." Lo mejor es girar a la derecha.   "I'll turn right at the next intersection." Giraré a...

"Coffee" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Coffee" is written as: Café Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "What kind of coffee do you want?" ¿Qué tipo de café quieres?   "Do you want a coffee?" ¿Quieres un café?   "I'll have a coffee." Tomaré un café.   "An Americano coffee, please." Un café...

"I" in Spanish

In Spanish, "I" is written as: Yo Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I am Spanish." Yo soy español.   "I am good." Yo soy bueno.   "I like this meal." Me gusta esta comida.   "I play the piano." Yo toco el piano.   "I am having fun!"...

"We" in Spanish

In Spanish, "We" is written as: Nosotros Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "We will arrive soon." Nosotros llegaremos pronto.   "We have arrived." Nosotros hemos llegado.   "We are leaving." Nosotros nos estamos yendo.   "We are ready to order. Nosotros estamos preparados para pedir.   "We love...

"No sugar" in Spanish

In Spanish, "No sugar" is written as: Sin azúcar Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "No sugar, please." Sin azúcar, por favor.   "Do you want sugar or no sugar?" ¿Lo quieres con azúcar o sin azúcar?   "No sugar in the tea, please." Un té sin azúcar, por...

"Today" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Today" is written as: Hoy Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Today is hot." Hoy hace calor.   "Where do you want to go for lunch today?" ¿Dónde quieres ir a comer hoy?   "Today has been fun!" ¡Hoy me lo estoy pasando muy bien!   "We...

"Right" (direction) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Right" (the direction) is written as: Derecha Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Turn right, please." Gira a la derecha, por favor.   "Can you turn right here?" ¿Puedes girar a la derecha aquí?   "If we go right, it's faster." Si vamos por la derecha es más...

"Turn left" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Turn left" is written as: Gira a la izquierda Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Turn left, please." Gira a la izquierda, por favor.   "Can you turn left?" ¿Puedes girar a la izquierda?   "I'll turn left here." Giraré a la izquierda por aquí.   "It's...

"Tomorrow" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Tomorrow" is written as: Mañana Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Our vacation starts tomorrow!" ¡Mañana empiezan nuestras vacaciones!   "Do you want to go to the beach tomorrow?" ¿Quieres ir a la playa mañana?   "We arrive tomorrow." Llegaremos mañana.   "We checkout tomorrow." Dejaremos la...

"Can I have a coffee?" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Can I have a coffee?" is written as: ¿Me puede poner un café? (Editor's note: In Spanish, other ways to ask this question conventionally include: ¿Me pone un café?;  Tomaré un café; ¿Me puede traer un café?; & Un café, por favor.) Listen to this question pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and...

"Okay" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Okay" is written as: Vale Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Okay, see you then." Vale, nos vemos luego.   "Okay, see you at 4pm." Vale, nos vemos a las cuatro.   "That is okay." Está bien.   "Okay, sounds good to me." Vale, me parece bien....

"No" in Spanish

In Spanish, "No" is written as: No Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "No, thanks." No, gracias.   "No, it's faster to turn right here." No, es más rápido girar por aquí.   "No sugar." Sin azúcar.   "No sugar in the coffee." Un café sin azúcar.   "There...

"Can I have a tea?" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Can I have a tea?" is written as: ¿Me puede poner un té? Listen to this request pronounced (audio)   In other Mediterranean languages and dialects “Can I have a tea?” in Lebanese Arabic “Can I have a tea?” in Tunisian Arabic “Can I have a tea?” in Turkish  

"Can I have...?" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Can I have...?" is written as: ¿Me puede...? Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Can I have a coffee black?" ¿Me puede poner un café solo?   "Can I have the bill?" ¿Me puede traer la cuenta?   "Can I have a bag, please?" ¿Me puede dar...

"And how are you?" in Spanish

In Spanish, "And how are you?" is written as: Y tú, ¿cómo estás? Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "I'm good. And how are you?" Estoy bien. Y tú, ¿cómo estás?   "Very good. And how are you?" Muy bien. Y tú, ¿cómo estás?   "I'm good. Thanks. And...

"Straight" (direction) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Straight" (the direction) is written as: Recto Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "It's straight ahead." Es todo recto.   "The vehicle is going straight." El vehículo está yendo recto.   "Go straight." Ve recto.   "Straight two kilometres, please." Ve recto dos kilómetros, por favor.  ...

"You" in Spanish

In Spanish, "You" is written as: Tú Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "You are a good person." Tú eres una buena persona.   "You are a good friend." Tú eres un buen amigo.   "You are kind." Tú eres amable.   "See you soon." Nos vemos pronto.  ...

"Yesterday" in Spanish

In Spanish, "Yesterday" is written as: Ayer Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Yesterday was fun." Ayer me lo pasé bien.   "Yesterday was hot." Ayer hizo calor.   "We arrived yesterday." Nosotros llegamos ayer.   "I arrived yesterday." Yo llegué ayer.   "I finished reading the book yesterday."...

"Left" (direction) in Spanish

In Spanish, "Left" (the direction) is written as: Izquierda Listen to this word pronounced (audio)   Examples in sentences or statements   "Turn left." Gira a la izquierda.   "Turn left at the next street." Gira a la izquierda en la próxima calle.   "I'll take the bread on the left, please." Me llevo el pan...
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