"Barber", "Barbers" in Lebanese Arabic
Lebanese Arabic, "Barber" is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
In Lebanese Arabic, "Barbers" is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
“I’m going to the barber this afternoon.”
Ba3ed l dohor raye7 3and l 7alle2.
.بعد الضهر رايح عند الحلّاق
“I’m going to the barber this morning.”
L sobo7 badde rou7 3and l 7alle2.
.الصبح بدي روح عند الحَلاّق
“Many barbers give massages in Türkiye.”
Fi ktir 7alle2in b turkiyya bya3emlo masaj.
.في كتير حَلاّقين ب تركيا بيعملو مساج
“He is a good barber.”
Hayda l 7alle2 shater.
.هيدا الحلّاق شاطر
“Do you know a good barber?”
(m) Bta3ref 7alle2 shater?
(f) Bta3erfe 7alle2 shater?
بتعرف حَلاّق شاطر؟ (m)
بتعرفي حَلاّق شاطر؟ (f)
Related words in Lebanese Arabic
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