"Barber", "Barbers" in Lebanese Arabic

Lebanese Arabic, "Barber" is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


In Lebanese Arabic, "Barbers" is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements


“I’m going to the barber this afternoon.”

Ba3ed l dohor raye7 3and l 7alle2.

.بعد الضهر رايح عند الحلّاق


“I’m going to the barber this morning.”

L sobo7 badde rou7 3and l 7alle2.

.الصبح بدي روح عند الحَلاّق


“Many barbers give massages in Türkiye.”

Fi ktir 7alle2in b turkiyya bya3emlo masaj.

.في كتير حَلاّقين ب تركيا بيعملو مساج


“He is a good barber.”

Hayda l 7alle2 shater.

.هيدا الحلّاق شاطر


“Do you know a good barber?”

(m) Bta3ref 7alle2 shater?

(f) Bta3erfe 7alle2 shater?

بتعرف حَلاّق شاطر؟ (m)

بتعرفي حَلاّق شاطر؟ (f)


Related words in Lebanese Arabic

“Hair” in Lebanese Arabic

“Haircut” in Lebanese Arabic


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