"Discover", "Discovers", "Discovering", "Discovered" (verbs) in Lebanese Arabic
In Lebanese Arabic, "Discover" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as:
(m) 2ekteshif
(f) 2ekteshfe
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
اكتشف (m)
اكتشفي (f)
In Lebanese Arabic, "Discovers" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as:
(m) Yikteshif
(f) Tekteshif
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
يكتشف (m)
تكتشف (f)
In Lebanese Arabic, "Discovering" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as:
(m) 3ambyikteshif
(f) 3ambtekteshif
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
عمبيكتشف (m)
عمبتكتشف (f)
In Lebanese Arabic, "Discovered" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as:
(m) 2ektashaf
(f) 2ektashafit
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
اكتشف (m)
اكتشفت (f)
Listen to these words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"What did you discover?"
(m) Shou 2ektashafet?
(f) Shou 2ektashafte?
شو اكتشفت؟ (m)
شو اكتشفتي؟ (f)
"Look what I discovered!"
(m) Shouf shou 2ektashafet!
(f) Shoufe shou 2ektashafte!
!شوف شو اكتشفت (m)
!شوفي شو اكتشفت (f)
"Archaeologists keep discovering more artifacts in this region."
3oulama2 2al 2athar bidalo yikteshfo 2atharat bi hal manta2a.
.علماء الآثار بيضلو يكتشفو آثارات بهالمنطقة
"There are lots still to discover in this field of research."
Fi ktir 2eshya ba3ad ma 2ektashafet bihal majel men 2la baheth.
.في كتير اشيا بعد ما اكتشفت بهالمجال من البحث
"I would like to discover it."
Bheb 2ekteshfha.
.بحب اكتشفها
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