“Dries” (third-person) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, “Dries” (the verb, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) Binashif

(f) Betnashif

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

بيناشيف (m)

بيتناشيف (f)

Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“This washing machine dries clothes quickly.”

Haydal ghesele binashif tyeb sari3.

.هايدال غصيلي بيناشيف تياب ساريع

“This washing machine dries clothes slowly.”

Haydal ghesele binashif tyeb bati2.

.هايدال غصيلي بيناشيف تياب باتيق

“The sun dries clothes the best.”

2ak shames betnashif tyeb 2ahsan shi.

.ألشمس بيتناشيف تيب أحصن شي

“The breeze that this clothesline gets dries clothes quickly.”

2al hawa yali byekhod haydal tyeb binashif sari3.

.ألهو يالي بياخود حيدل تياب بيتناشيف ساريع

“This towel dries dishes very well.”

Haydal manshafe binashif ktir sari3.

.هايدل مانشافي بيناشيف كتير ساريع


Related words in Lebanese Arabic

“Dry” (future) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

“Drying” (present) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

“Dried” (past) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

“Dry” (adjective) in Lebanese Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Dries” (third-person) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

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