“Five thousand” (5,000) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, “Five Thousand” (5,000) is written using the Latin script as:

Khames talef

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

خمسة آلاف

Listen to this number pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“The calculation comes out to 5,000.”

L 7seb byetla3 khames talef.

.الحساب بيطلع خمسة آلاف

“Four thousand plus one thousand equals five thousand.”

Arba3 talef zyede alef biseero khames talef.

.اربعة آلاف زيادة ألف بيصيرو خمسة آلاف

“Five gigabytes equals 5,000 megabytes.”

Khamse gigabytes bisewo khames talef megabytes.

.خمسة غيغابايتس بيساوو خمسة آلاف ميغابايتس

“There are approximately 5,000 people in this municipality.”

Fi ta2reeban khames talef shakhes b hayde l baladiyye.

.في تقريباً خمسة آلاف شخص بهيدي البلدية

“What time does the post office close?”

Ayya se3a bi saker el markaz sandou2 el barid?

أيّ ساعة بي سكّر المركز صندوق البريد؟


Other numbers in Lebanese Arabic

“Five hundred” (500) in Lebanese Arabic

“One Thousand” (1,000) in Lebanese Arabic

“Ten thousand” (10,000) in Lebanese Arabic

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