“Leave” (person) (future) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, “Leave” (the verb, in the context of a person or people, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Fel

(You) (m) Fel

(You) (f) Fele

(You, plural) Felo

(He) Bifel

(She) Betfel

(We) Menfel

(They) Bifelo

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

فل (I)

فل (m) (You)

فلي (f) (You)

فلو (You, plural)

بيفل (He)

بيتفل (She)

منفل (We)

بيفلو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I’m going to leave for the airport soon.”

Rah fel 3aal matar 2ariban.

.راح فل عال ماتار أريبان

“I’m not going to leave yet.”

Marah fel ba3ad.

.ماراح فل بعد

“What time are you two going to leave?”

2aya se3a rah 2etfelo 2ento naynetkon?

أيا سيعا راح أتفلو أنتو نايناتكون؟

“When does the bus leave?”

2amtin bifel 2al bus?

أمتين بيفل ألباس؟

“He is going to leave at 10:30 am.”

Bado yifel se3a 3ashr 2ou nes 2al sebeh.

.بادو يفل سيعا عشر قو نس ألسبح

“She is going to leave for class in ten minutes.”

Bade tfel 3al saf bi 3asher di2a.

.بادا تفل عال صاف بي عشر ديقا

“We should leave for the restaurant.”

Lezim nfel 3al mat3am.

.لازيم نفل عالماتعام

“They are leaving soon.”

3ambifelo 2ariban.

.عامبيفلو أريبان


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Leave” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

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