"Thirty-five" (35) in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Thirty-five" is written using the Latin script as:

Khamsaw tletin

in Lebanese Arabic, using the Arabic script, it is written as:

خمسة او تلاتين

When "35" is written numerically using the Arabic script, it is written as:


Listen to this term pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"35 years."

Khamsaw tletin sene.

.خمسة او تلاتين سنة

"I am 35 years old."

3amre khamsaw tletin sene.

.عمري خمسة او تلاتين سنة

"It’s 35 degrees right now!"

2al harara khamsaw tletin daraje hala2!

!الحرارة خمسة او تلاتين درجة هلأ

"My parents have been married for 35 years."

2ahle mjawzin men khamsaw tletin sene.

.أهلي مجوزين من خمسة او تلاتين سنة

"My children are 35, 31, and 29 years old."

2awlede 3amron khamsaw tletin, wahdaw tletin, ou tes3aw 3ashrin sene.

.أولادي عمرون خمسة او تلاتين، واحد او تلاتين، و تسعة او عشرين سنة


This number in other Arabic dialects

“Thirty-five” (35) in Tunisian Arabic

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