“Last year” in Lebanese Arabic

Lebanese Arabic, “Last year” (as in the most previous year) is written using the Latin script as:

Sene l madye

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

السنة الماضية

Listen to this phrase pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements


“Last year I visited Spain and had a great time.”

L sene l madye zeret espania w nbasatet kteer.

.السنة الماضية زرت إسبانيا وانبسطت كتير


“Last year I visited Italy, Greece and Türkiye and enjoyed them all!”

L sene l madye zeret italia, l younen w terkiya w nbasatet fiyon killon!

!السنة الماضية زرت إيطاليا، اليونان وتركيا وانبسطت فيُن كلّن


“I turned 30 last year.”

L sene l madye sar 3omre tletin.

.السنة الماضية صار عمري تلاتين


“I graduated from university last year.”

Tkharrajet mnel jem3a l sene l madye.

.تخرّجت من الجامعة السنة الماضية


“I moved here last year.”

Na2alet la hon l sene l madye.

.نقلت لهون السنة الماضية


Related words in Lebanese Arabic

“This year” in Lebanese Arabic

“Year”, “Years” in Lebanese Arabic


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