"Welcome" in Lebanese Arabic

In Lebanese Arabic, "Welcome" (the greeting) is written using the Latin script as:

Ya hala

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

يا هلا

Listen to this greeting pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"Welcome. Enjoy your stay."

(m) Ya hala. 2estamata3 bi 2ikamatika.

(f) Ya hala. 2estamat3e bi 2ikamatika.

.يا هلا. أستمتع بإقامتك (m)

.يا هلا. أستمتعي بإقامتك(f)

"Welcome to our country."

Ya hala bi baladna.

.يا هلا ببلدنا

"When you arrive, my mother will greet and welcome you."

(m) Laman tousal, 2eme rah teslem 3alek wa tetrahab fik.

(f) laman tousale, 2eme rah teslem 3alayke wa tetrahab fike.

.لمن توصل، أمي راح تسلم عليك وتترحب في  (m)

.لمن توصلي، أمي راح تسلم عليكي وتترحب فيكي (f)

"Welcome to our hotel."

Ya hala bi fandakina.

.يا هلا بفندقنا

"You are welcome back anytime."

(m) Marhab fik bi 2ay wa2et.

(f) Marhab fike bi 2ay wa2et.

.مرحب فيك بأي وقت (m)

.مرحبي فيكي بأي وقت (f)


Related words and phrases in Lebanese Arabic

“Hello” (Hi) in Lebanese Arabic

“You’re welcome” in Lebanese Arabic

This greeting in other Arabic dialects

“Welcome” in Tunisian Arabic

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